I had just taken the water hose and washed off the entire deck. My toes inside my flipflops were still wet, when I heard the sound of the leaf blower. The ladder leaning against the porch should have been a sign, but I still didn't put it together. Anyway here's what was going on. . .

A crazy man was on the roof cleaning out the gutters with a leaf blower!

My freshly washed deck looks like this and the rest of the porch and yard look worse!

I think I'll just go join this guy that I saw under the tree this morning. He looks calm and peaceful enough.
That is a funny story! I can see it all play out in my mind. I am sure however that there was a brief moment that you saw no humor...then your blogging brain kicked in! Glad you shared! If Peanut runs out of work to do around your Ponderosa, send him to mine. There is always plenty to do here!
Mercy gracious...all "dads" are like this...all of them. J.R. can always find something to do, always...looks like J.R. and Peanut need to get together and hang out...they would surely entertain each other with all their climbing abilities and equipment skills...then they could tell stories about all they have done together...I am sure it would be very interesting. We need to hire them out....
Peanut you have sure been busy. I told Deliah no telling what she will come home and find one afternoon. I am like Misty when you run out of things to do to scare Deliah just come on over to my house and I can put you to work .
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