It's Earth Day. I want to share what we have done for the environment! Joey and Jay say it's the least I can do. They claim I waste electricity! I digress. When we decided to trade cars last week, we choose this white 2009 Camry that looks like my other black Camry. But wait here's what is different:

It's a hybrid. It has lots of batteries and runs from both the gas engine and the batteries. I don't even pretend to understand this. I just know it is suppose to get outstanding gas mileage, as much as 40 mpg.

Here's what will take some getting used to: To start, you must put your foot on the brake and mash this button. There is no key, only a little square thingy that you must have in your pocket or in your purse. As long as this is in your possession you can start the car and open all the locks by just swiping your hand between the door and the handle! I am not sure I will ever lose the habit of reaching for the ignition every time I start and stop.

Another difference is the B you see her on the gears. When you know you are about to stop you put the gear shift in B for braking. This is for times like exiting the interstate and such. I don't have to use it much around Byrdstown.
That's all there is to it. We just go around saving gas and the environment! And no we do not have to plug it into an outlet. As I am typing this Peanut is outside burning leaves and causing air pollution. I know--we should compost! We'll work on that. Happy Earth Day!
*Just a little historical note. Earth Day began in 1970, I was in high school and we all had to go out and pick up trash. My friends and I cleaned up Olympus Drive. The whole school worked and picked up several dump truck loads of roadside litter!
I didn't even know you had traded! I will have to check it out! I should have asked for a different vehicle to help out the environment....Oh wait...I am married to Dana! That would never work! I don't think I could get the hang of that B shift either!!!
Nice car lesson. I didn't buy a hybrid car for earth day, but a did wear a "one earth" t-shirt. J and his class picked up trash outside their school and he said they watched a Magic Schoolbus about recycling.
Nice car Delilah!! I test drove one with all these new gadgets and I didn't think I would be able to understand it all!! Good luck!
I know I could never learn all that. It took me forever to learn to do this. So don't think I will ever get something like that. It sure is nice. Meant to ask you yeasterday if you had a new car and forgot. I seen it in the parking lot.
You know I was in high school in 1970 too but I can't remember that earth day thing. The Alzheimers must be getting worse ;). Either that or I was absent that day because I was trying to get out of Mrs. Brock's algebra! I like the car!
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