Friday, April 24, 2009

DNA Day!

Yep, DNA has it's own day too. This Saturday, April 25th is National DNA Day. DNA Day was established by Congress seven years ago to commemorate the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of DNA's double helix structure in 1953. Without DNA I wouldn't have a job so I'm pretty fond of it, and I'm a nerd so that helps too.
Using DNA I've been able to identify victims from plane crashes and mass disasters like Hurricane Katrina, settle estates by determining paternity, solve crimes from burglary to murder, catch cheating spouses, produce thousands of DNA profiles for comparing with the FBI's CODIS database for "cold hits" (any CSI watchers have probably heard of this one), and the list goes on and on. Since this is the 7th year we've celebrated National DNA Day, I thought I would offer 7 fun facts about DNA.
1. DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid.
2. DNA is found in all cells in our bodies - with the exception of red blood cells.
3. DNA can be used to broadly determine ethnicity - I submitted a cheek swab and was determined to be 93% European and 7% Native American.
4. James Watson and Francis Crick are often credited with discovering the structure of DNA, but their “discovery” would not have been possible without the work of a third scientist, Rosalind Franklin. SHE took X-ray pictures of DNA molecules, providing the key to solving its structure. For some reason she never gets credit - so annoying.
5. Each one of the cells in your body, with the exception of red blood cells, has about 6 feet of DNA all wound up inside one tiny cell (that would be like the length of J).
6. DNA profiles can be generated from may different types of samples: blood, cheek cells, fingernail clippings, hair, toothbrushes, half eaten candy bars, you name it and I can probably get a DNA profile from it.
7. DNA is what makes us look like our parents! Thanks Dad. :)


Kristen said...

Steph, you will be a good tool to use one day when we are kids are teenagers and we need "evidence"...hopefully that will not ever happen...but just something to keep in mind! I expect you to on TV one day with a murder solving are awesome!

parker's granny said...

Happy DNA Day! That was an interesting DNA lesson.

Joyce said...

Stephaine, You would make a good person to have on CSI. I always watch this show so I would enjoy seeing you on there.Good lesson on DNA