We have been walking everyday, trying to prepare for a trip to Chicago with Stephanie and Jay. We know there will be lots of walking and they are in good shape, so we go for about 2 miles everyday down our road. I took my camera one day to share it with you!

There are plenty of animals on our route. This is our donkey friend who comes to the gate to see if we have brought him an apple. Today he was lucky. Parker and Peanut took him apples all summer, so he expects it!

This is the hardest part of the trip making it up this hill. Still makes my muscles burn.

When I returned home I found that along the way I had accidentally made this very unflattering picture of myself!

We even ran into some neighbors on the road--if it is too far away to recognize that is most of the other Gibson Family who live in this neighborhood. (Brian, Kara and Brooklyn)

This duck family lives by a pond along the way.

These horses live in the field with the duck family. They come up to the fence and walk along beside us. I haven't brought them apples so I suppose they just enjoy the company!

On down the road is a herd of cattle. They hang out near the fence too. It's just like there is a welcoming committee all along the way.

And right now the honeysuckle is in full bloom. Can you smell it!
Nice pics, but you left out the goats and the goat herding dogs! Now you need to do "A Walk in the Country Part II".
Watch out for "Dana's Elk!" It might head that way to enjoy all of that good company!
Sounds like I need to start coming and doing my afternoon walk with you all! I lot better things to look at!!
Oh my...the honeysuckle! Right around the corner from our home is an entire row of honeysuckle!!! I love to walk around there and smell it...and then pick some and eat it! The kids think I am little nuts...so does JT....and I have tried to convince them that it is good....they do not think so...
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