Viewer Warning: If you are a little squeamish about viewing photos of reptiles, just roll on past this post. That's right just roll on down peek out under your eyelids until you are to the end because there are some large chicken snakes coming up!Not once, not twice but
three times today a different snake crawled right up to the back deck. Each time Peanut moved them to a new location a good distance from the back door, but they just kept appearing!

This was the second one.

The snake handler relocated him.

This was the third one.

Once again with the aid of a broom, he/she was relocated. It rained hard right after this, so what ever was drawing them here must have been washed away!! Chicken snakes are our friends, they get rid of mice and such, but when they gather up like that right in the yard they can scare the
begeebers out of you!
EEEK! Dad is so brave, those snakes did not look happy. Ha ha! J says looks like Dad needs a good firearm.
Peanut, I hate to tell you this snakes are not MAN'S best friend. My advice is KILL those creepy things. I am like Stepahine they did not look happy. I would have been scared to death.You are a brave man.
Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes!!! Please DO NOT direct those slimy things over to my house!!!!!!!!! I'm scared to death of snakes even if they are "friendly"!
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