Monday, January 26, 2009

Haiku Challenge

Mom's Ode to the Stomach Flu reminded me of Haiku's. What is Haiku you might ask? Haiku is one of the most important forms of traditional Japanese poetry. It's a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Some people meditate to create inspirational Haiku, I just took a minute to remember how cold it was when I came home from work and then thought about J saying over dinner he was hoping for snow day tomorrow. Here is my Haiku:

I miss summertime
Winter is too cold for me
I don’t get snow days.

I now challenge everyone to write one themselves and then leave a comment with your Haiku.


parker's granny said...

Tried to write haikus
But suffered from writer's block
And could not keep count.

parkersmom said...

my favorite time
of the day is right after
Parker goes to bed