Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is to be better at nice mail! What is nice mail you say? Here's how nice mail got started. I had some Christmas photos I wanted to mail to Emily so I ask her to write down her address for me. She wrote her e-mail and handed it back. I said "No, I want your mailing address, I am going to send you mail."
She excitedly replied, "I am going to get "nice" mail, the only thing I ever get is bills!"
So I started sending Emily and Tracie(when she lived in Cookeville) nice mail. At first I was very good at it sending something almost every week or even more often. They both said they went to the mailbox everyday watching for it. Stephanie and Jay and Joey and Parker and Aimee sometimes still get nice mail but not on a regular basis. I slacked off!
Sometimes nice mail is just a card, sometimes it's socks or small items I can mail. Nice mail may just be a note or a joke or a photo. I saw a list one time where people had listed the top ten things that made them happy and getting mail was one of the things people listed. So. . . I am going to try really hard to be a better nice mailer this year. I got a big box of note cards for a Christmas gift so I have no excuse. I better get started. . . .
If you are not on the nice mail list and you want some mail that does not charge you or ask you for anything, just e-mail me and tell me to Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me and your nice mail will be on the way!!!!


steph said...

Nice mail is...well...nice. Glad I'm on your list!!!

House Queen said...

I love mail as well! When I was little I used to sign up for tourism mailing lists just to get mail! :-)

Aimee said...

I got my nice mail yesterday!!! I LOVE getting nice mail!!! Thanks Delilah!