Thursday, February 27, 2014

Broken Finger

I got a call from preschool this morning that I needed to come and get Brooks.  His finger had been accidentally shut in a door by another kid.  I was just about to walk out the door to go get my hair cut & colored when I got the call.  On my way to get him I called & cancelled my hair appointment with probably 15 minutes notice.  I've NEVER had to do that to anyone in my life.  She didn't mind.  I was texting with her later and she said "hair can always wait, broken fingers can not".
I picked up Brooks & took him to see his doctor, which was literally right across the street.  Brooks was still pretty upset at this point. 

But then we stopped talking about the finger & started reading books.  Things started to get better.
And he started naming animals.  Here he's saying "horse".
And then we started making Bailee smile.  Here she is hanging out...being good.  
Finally the doctor came in & said he thought it might be broken.  He also said his fingernail is going to fall off.  Urgh. But that it will grow back just fine.
So we had to go for an x-ray.  Brooks had a snack of crackers while we waited our turn for an x-ray.
He got to sit in Momma's lap for his X-ray.  He was a great listener, did exactly what they asked & thought the whole thing was fun.  Bailee was asleep in her carseat.
Here are the x-rays:
And here's what happened on the way home.
Here's what the finger looked like this afternoon:
Mommy & T T made it a 'cast' so that it would remind Brooks to not use it.
He goes to an orthopedic doctor in the morning to find out what kind of treatment he's going to need.  Hopefully just a little splint! 

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