Saturday, January 25, 2014

You Gotta Start Somewhere

So, I'm not very good at writing down milestones for my kids.  I've tried making notes to add to baby books, doesn't work for me.  The notes get lost, or trashed, or put in a box.  At night when I have a chance to get out the books to write it all down I fall asleep, or have to work, or just flat forget.  This blog may not get done either, but I figure it's worth a shot. 

My goal is to put at least one picture or video on here as often as possible.  My secret goal is to post every day, but I'm not going to hold myself to every single day.  Things happen, and I know EVERY day won't get done, but I'm going to try. 

I hope this will serve as a 'baby book' for Bailee as she starts reaching really fun milestones.  And I plan to use it as a way to remember funny things that Brooks and Brynn say or do, along their own milestones since they are just two.  Now that their language skills are developing so quickly there are some very interesting conversations being had here on a daily basis and I don't want to forget them.  I want to have a record for the kids to look back on, and me and Jay, too.  I used to love - and still do - looking at the baby book my Momma kept about me, and I won't lie, I've done a terrible job with doing that for Brooks and Brynn.  There were two of them, and I was tired that first year - VERY tired.:)  But that's no excuse, and I'm sorry I didn't do a better job keeping up with their first year milestones.  You think at the time you will always remember how much they weighed, what they liked to eat, their first tooth….but it starts to escape you all too quickly.  I do have most of that stuff written down for B&B, just not in a consolidated place.  We’ll see how this works.  And not to mention, these kids are so cute and funny, who wouldn't want to see them every day?!

The "Us" of the 'new' Who Wouldn't Want To Be Us blog:

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