Last fall we did not rake the 84 trillion leaves that fell around us. Now, we are sorry. On Saturday I raked up this big pile from around part of the house. This morning we decided to burn them before the wind blew them right back. (The board leaning against a chair is our wind wall--we didn't want to catch the woods on fire)

We kept raking and burning until we realized that it was just too much for us. In some places the leaves were two feet deep. They covered the ground so completely that we didn't think the grass would be able to come up through them. Some place were so deep the leaves had already started to compost and there was just dirt left.

So when we got to the part of the yard that is circled by the driveway, we just set the whole area on fire!

This little crocus was saved from the wild fires!

We learned that acorns will not burn up. We have several more areas to rake and burn, (that we will attack on a less windy day) but we have decided that it would have been much easier to have done some raking in the fall!

This is what Shrek and Piper thought about the smoke and fire.
It is so windy at my house, you would probably set the neighborhood on fire!
Looks like a lot of work. Too bad J and I weren't there to help you set the fires!!
I always knew Peanut was a fire bug!!
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