Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Want to see a lizard nest?

I don't recall ever seeing a lizard nest, but tonight I accidentally came across one while moving some of the decorative stones in our front yard. At first I thought it was a snake, and believe it not I didn't even scream. Aimee, I'm sure you probably don't believe this considering how many times I screamed when dealing with frogs, but it's true. Anyway, I tried to get a couple of pics, but I was making Momma Lizard very nervous and she was moving around alot which made most of the pics blurry. I did get one good one though, take a look.....
This was the best one I got. There were about ten eggs in the nest. Which is fine by me as long as they eat spiders as soon as they hatch.
This one is blurry, but I thought you could tell a little better that it was a lizard and not a snake.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Sorry Steph, I am not believing you didn't SCREAM!!!