Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Frog giggin'

Aimee and Wayne took Jay and I frog giggin' this past weekend. What else would you expect us to be doing on Saturday night!?!? It was the first time that Jay or I had ever been, but lucky for us we were with experts. Wayne got a frog not 5 minutes after we got to the first pond. At this point I was holding the grass sack that you put all of the frogs in, as I wasn't sure yet if I wanted to gig a frog. I went to where Wayne was at since I had the grass sack and screamed when he put the frog in the bag. I helped Wayne find another frog and then screamed again when he gigged it. I only screamed two other times the rest of the night and that was when I gigged two frogs myself. Even though about 20 frogs were murdered that night, we had a good time trying something new and hanging out with Aimee and Wayne.

Here's J and Wayne looking very happy to be showing off some frogs.......

I wanted to get my pic holding a frog but I just couldn't bring myself to touch one. Wayne suggested I just use the pliers and hold up a leg. You can see in the pic below that as I'm joking around acting like I'm going to eat an uncooked frog leg with skin still on it, Wayne thinks it would be a good idea to push it closer to my mouth. Not funny Wayne.
When Wayne got the legs skinned Aimee washed them and then put them in a salt water soak.
I just thought this pic was cool because it captured the grains of salt in mid-air.

So, did I eat the frog legs? Absolutely not. Aimee and Wayne have quite a few in their freezer. I think they are hoping to have a frog leg fry one night. If anyone is interested in going frog giggin' they are great instructors. Thanks again to Aimee and Wayne for taking us along!

Want to see a lizard nest?

I don't recall ever seeing a lizard nest, but tonight I accidentally came across one while moving some of the decorative stones in our front yard. At first I thought it was a snake, and believe it not I didn't even scream. Aimee, I'm sure you probably don't believe this considering how many times I screamed when dealing with frogs, but it's true. Anyway, I tried to get a couple of pics, but I was making Momma Lizard very nervous and she was moving around alot which made most of the pics blurry. I did get one good one though, take a look.....
This was the best one I got. There were about ten eggs in the nest. Which is fine by me as long as they eat spiders as soon as they hatch.
This one is blurry, but I thought you could tell a little better that it was a lizard and not a snake.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

When Mommy and Daddy are away....

Aunt Steph and Uncle Jay let Parker play downtown in his underwear!!

We went to Taste of Nashville today where there were 50 area restaurants set up with food to try. It was free to go, but you bought tickets (10 for $12) and then different foods were different ticket amounts. We all got to eat whatever we wanted. To J and I the food was the best part, but to Parker the water (that just happened to be by where the Taste of Nashville was set up) was definitely the best part. He started in the "wading pools" where he promptly sat down and drenched his shorts. So, we just took them off. Yep, that's his underwear he's running around in. Evidently the ladies liked it though because he found a girlfriend very quickly (she's the one in pink in the video).

Don't worry, Mommy, he had on plenty of sunscreen and luckily Aunt Steph took an entire change of clothes.
The water felt great since it was so hot out today so both J and I put our feet in too!
Parker was so funny running and screaming in this you can see from the video. He liked to try and stop the water with his butt and his feet! He didn't want to leave but after an hour Aunt Steph was so hot she talked him into going to get a drink and a frozen banana popsicle.

And yes, he fell asleep on the way home!